We exist to provide your family with the opportunity to operate at its full potential. We believe additional assistance-whenever and wherever you need-can benefit all aspects of your life, especially your relationship with your autistic child. 

Autism Impact believes in an all encompassing system aiding the development of your child.  We respect and understand how important education and private services are for your child’s growth.  What we’re providing, is a service for the family as a whole. If a family is consistently overwhelmed and underhanded they cannot operate at their full potential.  In finding appropriate care for your child, we offer you the opportunity for increased time and energy so you can be fully present for the integral role you play in your family. We believe this additional assistance- whenever and wherever you need-can benefit all aspects of your life, especially your relationship with your autistic child.

Throughout my practice as an in-home ABA Therapist I was flooded with offers to work as a family caregiver.  In becoming someone the families trusted, they opened up to me about their concerns with hiring caregivers.  They worried about the ability to find an experienced caregiver combined with the lack of available time to commit to searching for one. I understood these concerns and wanted to help by finding caregivers these families could trust; caregivers who would appreciate their child’s needs; caregivers who would be a true match for their family. This is why autism impact was born. 



Meet the Founder

In 2011 I graduated summa cum laude from UCONN with a degree in Urban and Community Studies and an intent to continue on towards my masters degree in social work.  My path changed in 2012 when I began working for Connecticut public school systems in special needs preschools and elementary classrooms.

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Thank you for taking the time to read about the journey that led to autism impact. I look forward to meeting and working with all of you!

Nikki Cuozzo, Founder of autism impact

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