Our Services

Step 1

Scroll to Caregiver Screening and click Get Started to complete the Family Needs Form. We’ll contact you to discuss any questions. 

Step 2

The search begins! We interview potential candidates and send a summary of the finalists to you for review.

Step 3

You hire a caregiver.
You deny the candidates, and we continue the search.

Step 4

Discuss a start date with your caregiver and services begin! 

Caregiver Screening


Get Started

Hire us to find you a caregiver who fits the specific needs of your family. 


We use multiple platforms and outreach methods to find your caregiver. We search for and interview candidates, then provide you with a summary of the potential finalists. After reviewing the summary, we’ll schedule a time for you to interview the candidates you’re interested in. 

Self Service Platform


*coming soon*



*Find your own caregiver through our self service platform. The $110 annual membership includes unlimited job postings.*  

Add On:

Reference Check


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When you choose a caregiver, we’ll reference check and report the results before you officially hire them. We offer reference checks as an add on as most of our families don’t request this. Why wouldn’t someone want a reference check? Reference checks aren’t necessarily a reliable source of information. Applicants often list friends or family who will report positively of them regardless of the persons skill level. We don’t want to spend your money or our time unless you decide this service is important and necessary to you. 

Add On:

Background Check


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When you choose a caregiver, we’ll run their background check and report the results before you officially hire them. 


Additional Services

Bi-weekly Check-ins

$105 / month

Get Started

We’ll schedule a Zoom call with you to discuss how your caregiver services are going. If you have any concerns with your services we’ll work through them. We are all about collaboration, let’s work together!

Parent Connections

$35/ month

Get Started

Zoom sessions are scheduled with other family members of the Autism Impact community. This creates an outlet to discuss obstacles and milestones with other families with children on the autism spectrum.

Parent Coaching

$120 / meeting

Get Started

What are YOUR personal obstacles as a parent? We discuss how to work through barriers and get you to the optimal Super-parent performance level! Your child’s success is dependent on you. Let’s get you to that optimal level so you can become the best version of you, not only for yourself but also for your family.